Category Archives: Buildings

Garden RR Progress

Here are two additional bits of progress.

The first is the pad for my factory and warehouse. I’ll put the buildings out once it’s dry, possibly tomorrow.
Factory pad

And here’s a dirt/gravel road idea I’ve been wanting to try:
Gravel road

That’s two pieces of plastic door trim, painted with exterior paint to protect from UV, buried in the soil. Then I dug out between them and added rough sand to serve as gravel. I hope that these edges will help keep the sand in place so the road doesn’t disappear in the first rain.

Motorcycle Factory

I’m in the process of converting a Piko brewery into a motorcycle factory

The building doesn’t have a loading dock or other provision for getting motorcycles into the boxcars, so the first step was to raise it enough that the floor of the factory came out near railcar height. I accomplished this by building a box and topping it with a scored and painted piece of plastic to represent the wooden dock deck. Then I faced the lower portion with cast stone. There also wasn’t any way to get out the back of the building, so I added a roll-up freight door made ot styrene strips.

Continue reading Motorcycle Factory

Lighting Buildings w/ Removable Roofs

I have a few of the Pola buildings on my layout and am in the process of building a couple more. I enjoy detailing the interiors and I also like to add lights, which makes a removable roof important–it’s much more difficult to replace the lights or fix anything that goes wrong in a glued-shut structure (ask me how I know 🙂 ) However, this is tricky here in central Kansas, where the prairie winds regularly gust to 40mph and a roof can’t just sit on top of the walls. Continue reading Lighting Buildings w/ Removable Roofs